Friday, August 26, 2011

Horseback Riding

I went hoseback riding in the hinterland yesterday with my roomates and a few friends. The landscape that we rode through was so lush and different to what I was used to. We trekked through the forest, where all sorts of exotic plants and trees were growing in abundance, and there were tiny colourful birds flitting all over the place and calling from the treetops. Halfway through our 3 hour ride we stopped to "boil the billy" (boil water for tea over a fire) and have some bread and jam. My horse's name was Jag, and he had a beautiful polka-dotted bum, and was a good listener.

Boiling the Billy

Me, Weibke, Siri, Sofie, Sonja, (Anna - photographer)
Jag's polka-dot bum

Some of the lush vegetation

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